Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The good die young

Gentle Folk of Charity,

It is with profound sadness and reticence that I regret to inform you of the sudden and premature death of Magnum Gagnon. He was a generous mustache and will be missed by millions of his fans. He was taken from us in the early hours of December 1st due to a freak manscaping accident... we are all quite devastated. I hope you will all take this opportunity to give a moment of silence for this brilliant mustache that shined so brightly for a very short period of time.

In Mourning,

Peter Gagnon

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Perv or Ladies man?

To be honest, I don't really fancy my hirsute lip hat or rather I think that others don't fancy it and therefore they are giving me the 'evil eye'. I think it intimidates people. I think that the ladies are frightened of it's overwhelming masculinity. I shall endeavor to keep a 'stiff upper lip' and sally forth unto the unknown with Magnum to keep me company on my lonely journey.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

BTW the link to my charity

This is it!


Oh yeah!

Rico Suavé

Although I hate to admit it... I look good! Hehehe but what would look even better would be for you to donate and help out some kids in Need.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nothing more frightening than a 3day old 'stache

So here I am, actually almost 4 days into the challenge... and feeling the stigma and itch of Magnum... oh, that's what I've named my magic machine, Magnum. Anyway, I have decided that I can not let what folks think of me... nor will I let the itchy scratchiness steer me away from Mustache heaven. It may be ugly now... but soon, it shall transform into a beautiful and mystical creature... with glorious magical powers... You'll see.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mr. Klein

I wanted to give a special thanks to my awesome Brother-in-Law, Mr. Peter Klein. He introduced me to this silly yet effective charity and so he deserves all the praise and ridicule that You and I can provide!

The Journey Begins!

I am a fan of facial hair yes it's true... but I hate having a mustache... a goateé yes... that's fine, a soul patch.... sweet! But a mustache... VERBOTEN! So it is with a heavy, yet brave heart that I am growing a mustache for Charity. Today I am completely clean shaven, but but December I should have a Tom Selleck special, the only thing that will keep me from falling into despair will be the donations of my kind and loving friends and family! Thank you. Pictures will be coming soon.